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Oak Knoll Italian Water Garden

February 26, 2023

Scott Arboretum

I visited the Scott Arboretum to look for hte old Italian Water Garden.
The garden was part of a 32-acre estate know as Oak Knoll. It included a swimming pool, a private arboretum, and the water garden which had a fountain pool.
Most of the estate was sold in the 1960's, for residential development. But However, the real demise of Oak Knoll came with the construction of the Blue Route (Interstate 476). The estate was demolished to clear the path for the roadway.
Although most of the estate is now gone, the ruins of Oak Knoll’s Italian Water Garden can still be found in the Crum Woods. The ruins consist of the stone walls and steps of the water garden, whose stonework is weathered but not seriously damaged.

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